Non Surgical Vaginal Rejuvination Treatments

Votiva is a Procedure that replenishes the vaginal area offered at NuVista Plastic Surgery, works to make the localized tissues to appear alot firmer. Our therapy accomplishes this through non-surgical, painless, and efficient radio-frequency advancements called FormaV and FractoraV. These therapies are used to tighten the internal and external vaginal dermis in women who have experienced childbirth, are experiencing hormonal fluctuations, or are going through the natural aging process. This service is highly proficient at providing the requested results our patients want to enjoy, with upgraded firmness soon after the first session. Schedule an appointment with our doctors to see if you could be an ideal candidate for therapy..

Having two technologies available, Votiva is the best choice on the market for vaginal rejuvenation. FormaV and FractoraV technologies both address internal and external discomfort and are non-invasive, safe and painless. You can get a pre-consultation just to learn more from NuVista Plastic Surgery. We can talk about your concerns and goals to see if FormaV, FractoraV or both could work best for you.

This is what you can expect from a non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation:

  • Fast, in-office treatments
  • No surgery or incisions necessary
  • Practically no discomfort
  • Short procedure and relatively no down time

This therapy can help address symptoms such as incontinence, sexual displeasure, vaginal lasticity, or low sex rive. You're a perfect participant for Votiva if you've dealt with these desires and are looking for an effective way to Votiva is best used to treat sexual disatisfaction or as a therapy to strengthening pelvic floor muscles. Both FormaV and FractoraV Votiva practices use heat to heal you, so you may feel a warming sensation but the effects are seen immediately and continue over the following weeks or over multiple sessions.

Call us now at 801-261-5791 to discuss a date to discuss vaginal rejuvenation with our health professionals today.

vaginal rejuvenation Holladay, UT